
Pizza tower
Pizza tower


Its final incarnation in the full game has reworked the golfing sections to work in tandem with dashing through it without a care in the world, the music is extremely catchy, and uses the golf ball transformation to full effect, culminating with a Pizza Time involving a mad dash through a golf course and two extended Ball sections, great for keeping up/creating a nice combo.

pizza tower

"Golf" was initially created as an April Fools Day demo that was intentionally frustrating, and aside from the debut of Fake Peppino, was forgettable.Once you get to Pizzahead again, he makes many mocking moves to try and hit you, and once his last healthbar is drained, Peppino deals him the longest beatdown of them all, which climactically ends up in him crashing his head on top of the tower, and finally destroy it. Once he's defeated, he summons back the previous bosses for you to fight again intending to Boss Rush you, but Peppino has none of it and starts beating them up so rapidly that it drains half of the health of all the bosses, which is specially cathartic if you didn't like the idea of a typical boss rush. On top of the Pizza Tower (with a far away shot of Peppino's restaurant), Pizzaface himself spawns many enemies for you throw at him and knock life outta him, and in the second phase, Pizzahead, the true main antagonist of the game, comes out of the Pizzaface mech, and starts fighting you which massively changes the tone of the fight from an epic climax to a chaotic fight against a living cartoon. Best Boss Ever: The fight against Pizzaface is a cathartic streak of fights.The boss fight remains sufficiently challenging and cathartic in spite of that. As a boss, however, you can not only survive several direct hits from him (it's 6 at best) like you would against any other boss, you can also beat the toppings off him with relative ease. Badass Decay: Pizzaface is much, much less of a threat during his bossfight than he is at any other point of the game when he appears should your timer run out during Pizza Time, merely touching him is an instant game-over.Is he a savage skinwalker who wants to kill and replace Peppino? Is he a playful and jovial creature who idolizes Peppino and wants to be friends with him? Maybe both or something else entirely?

pizza tower

Interpretations of Fake Peppino, as expected given his enigmatic nature, tend to go all over the place.

pizza tower pizza tower

  • Quite a few pre-release comics involving the Noise show him in a much more serious and unhappy mood than the Noise we see in-game, which led to the theory that the Noise's wacky, energetic side is an act he puts on just to further annoy Peppino.
  • In the very final level, "The Crumbling Tower of Pizza", were the bosses following Peppino and the gang to save their own hides from the crumbling tower and knowing Peppino would lead them out to safety by simply following him, or was Peppino being merciful to them and saving them from the collapsing tower (despite having beaten the crap out of them just moments earlier)? After all, while they were antagonistic to him, they weren't the ones that were actively threatening to destroy his pizzeria like Pizzahead was.
  • Considering how bizarrely playful the Final Boss is towards Peppino, complete with an implied obsession given his development of both Peppino-like robots and clones in the Tower, Pizzahead's Fighting Clown boss fight, and how we never actually see the laser cannon he had threatened to blow up Peppino's Pizza with, the whole incident might have been a huge prank (that only Pizzahead would find funny, mind you).
  • Awesome Music: Y'ALL READY TO GET FUNKY!?.
  • Awesome Art: The 90s-style animation, mixed with the pixellated edutainment artstyle, makes for this unique flavor that few games ever replicated.

  • Pizza tower